Come the Rain Review

2940151011020_p0_v1_s118x184 Foster care, physical and sexual abuse are difficult topics to discuss, but are excellently written in Come the Rain by Shannon Smiley. Smiley shapes a story out of an awful situation, but allows the reader to get attached to the characters making this book hit closer to home for the audience. She brings us this story from a perspective of a sixteen year old girl, with many behavioral issues, named Anastasija Volikov. After she becomes a hero in a tragedy, the media toys with her persona and witnesses say she is a gift from God, but Anastasija knows she’s no gift. “A ward of the state since the age of six, three non-kinship foster homes, two group homes, one stint in a crisis treatment facility.” These words would haunt the main character, Anastasija Volikov, for her entire life.
   Come the Rain is a book I was unable to put down. This has become one of my favorite books and I highly recommend anyone to read it. From the very first chapter you will be hit with an overwhelming amount of suspense. The book begins with Anastasija riding the New York City subway in the middle of the night, avoiding walking the New York streets alone. When suddenly a group of robbers take over the subway and take all of the passengers hostage. The robbers attempt to take a little, innocent girl’s life, but Anastasija volunteers in her place. The excruciating pain Anastasija feels in this chapter is vividly described making your imagination run wild. Shots are fired, “NYPD!” Anastasija goes unconscious. To find out what happens next buy the book at
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